
My husband and I have been together for 26 years and have been on a quest to achieve that elusive squirting G-spot orgasm for a long time. We weren't having much success, despite doing research and watching videos. Then we signed up for Miss Mackenzee and Parker's squirting class. This 2 hour class was packed with interesting information. I've been a nurse for 20 years and even learned some new things about anatomy. They gave product recommendations that I bought, such as a specific g-spot toy, arousal oil, incense and red light bulbs to set the mood. Armed with our new tips for positioning and techniques, I am happy to report that after years of trying, something unlocked and I was able to squirt about 8 times in one night. I looked down at one point and it looked like the stream that comes out of a water fountain! It was cool that each time was a little different in how it came out. But the best part was that I actually had intense orgasms with it. Miss Mackenzee had mentioned that G-spot orgasms are the most intense kind, which made me skeptical that anything could be better than my "regular" orgasms.. but how wrong I was! We are so excited for this new discovery and will now have to invest in a waterproof pad for our bed! Miss Mackenzee and Parker are excellent educators. They make information easy to understand, they share real anecdotes and stories that make new information easier to understand, and have informative demonstrations to help us visualize what we have just learned. I am looking forward to more classes and soaking up more of their wisdom. Miss Mackenzee and Parker are so knowledgeable, and we feel so grateful and excited that we have found these amazing teachers!


Where do I start?! Miss Mackenzee’s comprehensive wisdom and expertise of everything you’ve ever wanted to know about kink and/or BDSM is boundless…Yes, pun intended.

I’ve been a natural dominant most of my life, but I  didn’t really know where to go to fill in the gaps of information around power exchange, consent, impact play, protocols, after care, safety, etc. There is only so much you can get out of one dimensional resources and I was starting to feel stuck and stagnant.

I can genuinely say I am transformed. Not only have I learned so much that I have filled notebooks of new information and insightful anecdotes, I also have a renewed excitement and passion. She helped boost my confidence and inspired so many new & exciting ideas to incorporate into my relationships.

Miss Mackenzee’s 8-week instructional course covers so many aspects of what you need to know to enhance or begin your BDSM relationships/partnerships. There is truly so much to gain regardless of your experience level. While it is beginner friendly, even the most experienced kinkster will come out elevated. As Miss Mackenzee says, “there is always something new and exciting to learn.”

She is a dynamic and engaging presenter. With the help of her cooperation of her submissive, Parker, who is also full of knowledge and experience, they take the time to demonstrate proper techniques. Seeing it modeled really brings the teachings to life! Their magnetic chemistry is palpable and infectious. They exude a warmth and safety and create space for participants to literally ask anything. I know I did.

Miss Mackenzee is also very mindful of privacy and she has ensured it is easy to engage in the courses live while maintaining your anonymity, but they are also recorded and regularly sent to participants to accommodate busy schedules.

She has also incorporated opportunity for participants to connect with each other (if desired) to create community, which we all know can be very difficult to access post pandemic. 

I’ve attended many of Miss Mackenzee’s other courses and every single session is brimming with information. I cannot recommend this course and her more!! Priscilla


Thank you for putting energy into the education side. You were the reason I had the confidence to transition to my true gender identity and Im proudly now the first transgender woman at a southern all womens college, the first transgender female ncaa field hockey player, and an educator/activist for lgbtq and marginalized communities. I couldn't have done this if you didn't take the time to educate and teach me as a person and not as another "kink" session. My partner and I will be signing up for your mentoring class. So if anything, your passion helped me become who i am and now help others around the world. We all leave an imprint in the world and we often don't see how far it goes. Thank you.
Erica Smith


Hello Miss Mackenzee,

Thank you so much for hosting us and for our mentor session. We definitely enjoyed meeting you and learned so much!

There is a lot for us to digest, but we are so appreciative of your time and expertise in helping enhance our dynamic and bring to light even something as simple as decluttering our space at home to get us in a better head space. These are things so simple that we didn’t even think could enhance our intimate life at home but will begin to apply.

We had a fantastic time taking some of what we learned with you and immediately utilizing in the dungeon space. We will be on the look out for links from you for rope and the wheel that we discussed. We chatted on our drive home and my wife is definitely looking to do more with rope in the future!

We also discussed the possibility of future mentor sessions with you, we both agreed by the time we were wrapping up our chat with you it felt like we have been friends with you for years despite meeting you only an hour before. Your passion and knowledge was genuine and comforting as we knew we were in good hands very early in our conversation.

Once again thank you for your hospitality and guidance. We enjoyed every minute we were able to engage in discussion with you and the time spent utilizing the dungeon space. We hope to make an appointment in the not too distant future.


Hello Miss Mackenzee,

First and foremost thank you so much for your time and meeting with us today. We again gained so much knowledge and will apply many of your suggestions moving forward.

We will be on the lookout for potential dates for a future mentor session with you, and as mentioned we will also be looking for a potential hypnosis session. We will also browse your upcoming class schedule to see which ones are of interest. We would also be interested in learning more about events held at the dungeon when more information becomes available.

One again we are truly grateful for your time today and speaking with us. We truly do cherish the opportunity you provided and the guidance you will continue to provide us in our relationship.


​Miss Mackenzee,

I had attended one of your erotic hypnosis for beginners class a few months ago which was phenomenal. I learned so much and have been able to use some of those skills with my partner. So when I saw you were going to be teaching another hypnosis class, I got really excited. The way you use hypnosis to alter your bottom is really amazing. I was the one that volunteered for a hands-on demo which was stellar. I'd always been a little skeptical that I could be put under but I had faith you would be able to do it. It was crazy how my body reacted to the triggers you had set for me. I was watching you do one thing to me which I know should've felt a certain way but instead felt a completely different way. I can't wait to try some of the triggers you taught us about with my partner.

You've definitely got me hooked on hypnosis. The mind is truly an amazing thing and it's so great to use it in such a fun way with kink. Thanks again! I'm definitely looking forward to when I can attend more classes of yours, whether it's hypnosis or not. You're the best!​


Many thanks to you Miss Mackenzee for teaching a class on dungeon protocol. I'm new to the public scene and though it seems like something that is common sense, there were a few things I was unaware of in terms of navigating a playspace. So thank you again for putting that together.​



I wanted to say thank you for such an awesome sharps class at camp! I was the one who was the lucky recipient of the one icy needle and who came up after and asked about those awesome little cork vials.

I was there with my partner MrKinkyBear and we took away many awesome tips and sadistic goodness that we will bring to our play.

Thanks again and we hope to see you at future events!


Miss Mackenzee,

The way you approached the very hot topic of consent was so great. I really appreciate you giving that talk because it's something that's been at the center of a lot of heated debates and accusations lately. My favorite part was the mock negotiations you did. While they were very difficult to watch, I think it was definitely an interesting and necessary way to approach it. That night I went to a play party and found myself being very careful with my negotiations.

Thank you for starting that very important conversation.​


My partners and I attended your Rope and Tantra class and we were just floored with the energy of this workshop. We have been in the lifestyle a long time and we wanted to let you know you are the most engaging presenter I have ever seen! I love that you were all-inclusive when it came to polyamorous relationships and the aura and caring you showed when people started repeating the exercises you showed was truly amazing. You are such a good-hearted person and I would go to any class you taught. ​



First, thank you for the classes - I appreciate good teachers and consider you one!

Second, I participated in the mock negotiation with you and have not been able to get the feeling I had being that close to you out of my head. Honestly, having me press my neck up against your hand to discern what choking felt like to me? Gorgeous and smart.

Third, my reason for contacting you - mentoring. No I am not expecting you to have the time or inclination to mentor me, more I'm wondering if you could maybe provide some general direction? That said, if you'd have me as an online mentor I'd be honored.​​


Miss Mackenzee

I went to your creativity with sharps class at Summer Camp and it was like an amazing show! You are a natural born performer. Me and my Dominant couldn't take our eyes off of you.  I am brand new to needles and staples and I really like the way you started slow and added in extras and built up the intensity. I never even thought you could do that many things with sharps.  I am MUCH more excited about medical play now! I'm hoping my Sir took notes and will try some new things. Maybe we will hire you for some individual sessions to spark up some play and get one-on-one safety and a guide to help us explore more:)​


Dear Miss Mackenzee (and family),
I just wanted to extend my gratitude to you for giving the talk you and your family did on having a 24/7 D/s household. It's been a fantasy of mine and something that my submissive and I have been talking about but have been hesitant to do. Being in your class really helped to open up communication between us on the matter. There were topics we hadn't even thought to discuss until your talk. I'm glad things have been working out for you and yours. 
And guess what? Me and my submissive close on a house next week!! We both thank you extensively for your willingness to share your experiences with us.​


Hi Ms. Mackenzee,

I attended your Dom 101 class last night. You and Parker (if I heard correctly?) were terrific!

I just wanted to say thanks again for the information. My first session was in July, and I've since done a dozen more scenes as a submissive with the same woman. She loves to be submissive as well, and as a writer I definitely have the creativity and the imagination to top her in interesting ways. But I'm lacking the foundational knowledge and skills to bring it all together safely.

Your class was the first step in correcting that. Thank you for helping me along this path :)​


Hi Miss Mackenzee
It's was a pleasure to meet and be at your presentation of Pro Kink Life: making Money While You Sleep at the Armory last night. I hope your stay in San Francisco Bay Area while you was here were pleasure and profit one.
As you mention in your class last night that you are willing to email the presentation slide to us. 
I really enjoyed the class presentation and looking forward to your future class presentation if and when you are back in the San Francisco Bay Area or at a kink conference.

​I'm be looking forward and very interesting in all knowledge that you are willing to share on your next trip back to the SF/Bay Area.


​​I'm still reeling with the energy that filled the room during your rope and tantra class. It was really amazing to incorporate those two together. My partner and I now use what we learned often. I loved seeing all the other partnerships get so lost in the intimacy of it. You have such a strong, amazing presence that really aided in the flow of what you were teaching. Thank you again for sharing your spirit with us all. You are a beautiful soul.​


​Thank you Miss Mackenzee for sharing your knowledge with us at the Armory. I was in your BDSM 101 & 201 classes. I really enjoyed how refreshing it was to have a presenter that was so open and approachable, especially one as beautiful as you. 

That was my first class and I'm glad I went. I definitely got a lot out of it and I'm even more excited to explore the lifestyle. 
I hope you enjoyed the rest of your trip and that you join us on the west coast again soon. I know I'll definitely be at your classes if you are!


Hello Miss Mackenzee!
I just wanted to send a quick thank you note to you for sharing your experiences and tips for making money as a professional. I've found that it's a hard business to make friends in and get advice about so when I saw your class listing I got very excited. You were very informative and clear. I really liked that you also had a slideshow. It was helpful for me to also have something to look at.
Maybe I can come visit the east coast sometime and we can do doubles. I know I would learn a lot from you in action :)
Thanks again!
Miss Selina​


​​Miss Mackenzee,
I was in your Being a Dom 101 class and I have to say that you are truly an amazing teacher. And it is evident that you are an even more amazing Dominant. I saw the way Parker was looking at you while you read your statement on what being a Dominant meant to you. If I can take what you taught me, put it into practice, and have someone look at me that way, then I'll put that in the win column. And it would have all stemmed from your class. It's great to go to classes and hear tips and advice from people but you brought the lesson to life and I thank you for that. I'm definitely a more visual learner so between the slideshow and demo, your class was top notch.
Thanks again!


Wow! What else can I say about your electroplay class?? I've played a little bit with electricity but your class certainly gave me a lot of amazing ideas. It was great to feel some of the things too. You were very engaging which made the two hours fly by. I do believe you have a world of knowledge inside of you that would let you teach for countless hours. I look forward to your return to the west coast in the future.
I also want to thank you for taking the extra time after class to answer some of my questions.


Miss Mackenzee,
I wish there were more presenters out there like you. Not only are you absolutely stunning but you are incredibly knowledgeable. I had surgery a few weeks ago and so I'm not able to be as physical with my girl as I usually am so I had been trying to figure out ways to still play while recovering. When I saw that you were teaching a fear play and mindfucks class, I knew I had to be there. It's something I've done a little bit but figured now would be a great time to step up my game. Now when I see that look of fear in my little girl's eyes when I round the corner in the house, I get incredibly excited. You and your class helped me in a time when I started to feel a less like a Dominant, for that...I cannot thank you enough.

Thanks again

​Sir Nate​


​Hello Miss Mackenzee,
This is Angel from Saturday's class about making money while you sleep. It was great to meet you! I learned a lot from your course. I hope we meet again in the future. I'd love to have a femdom lunch with you and some others next time you are in town. 
I would love to see the rest of the slideshow.
And If you have time to, more information and tips for "branding" yourself. 
Mistress Angel​


Wow, Mackenzee, that is a full travel itinerary! Thank you for "getting around!" I am blessed to had found you when you were in The City. I learned so much from you! You have so much golden information. You should consider offering all-day events. The three hour class was informative but you have so much more information to offer.Thankfully your information was well organized. You present this well. You are obviously well experienced in teaching. Your passion is felt by everyone! Your service to the community is priceless. I appreciate you for your travel and your desire to pass your knowledge forward.Happy travels, Mackenzee! Enjoy your US tour! I can't wait to see you the next time you're in The City.​



I attended the Dom 101 event Saturday.  I am working diligently to improve my skills as a Dom - could you please email me the slides and any other slides from that event or educational information you recommend?  I really appreciated everything and thanks for being so good, its inspiring!​


My Dominant left me to my own devices one afternoon at an event to attend one of your classes about getting a submissive in the right headspace. Our play has always been amazing and fun and he's never had problems getting me into subspace but after your class, things went from amazing to cosmic. So whatever you said in that class, whatever new tricks you shared, thank you from the bottom of my extremely happy submissive heart.​​​


​​​When people think of bachelorette parties, the typical thought is going out with your girls and maybe seeing a male revue show but my girls know me better than that. They knew I had zero interest in that kind of thing so I had no idea what to expect. When I saw a tall, gorgeous Amazon-like woman standing in my sister's living room, I thought that it was a joke. And you started talking about "finding one's inner Goddess" and I rolled my eyes thinking that I was about to get a live reading of 50 Shades of Gray. Well I was wrong. 100% wrong. You were amazing! Not only did you mock that book but you had fun with us while really opening my eyes to my own sexuality and sensuality. Thank you so much! And I know my husband will thank you too :)

-Love Tina​


Miss Mackenzee,
I attended your BDSM 101 and 102 classes after I searched BDSM classes in my area because I had read 50 Shades of Gray (embarrassing...I know) and I was intrigued. I now know that things in the book weren't exactly how it should be, and I want to thank you for showing me that. Now I know what to look for and how to navigate. And I also know that I DEFINITELY want to be in this lifestyle. And thank you again for taking the extra time after your class to talk with me and answer some more of my questions. I'm sure you were very tired but you were so kind to amuse me and my million questions. Hopefully I'll see you at an event soon!


Miss Mackenzee:

Your beginning erotic hypnosis class was AMAZING. You have such an entrancing look and voice that is perfect for this topic. I wasn't sure if I was going to attend the class as I was worried it might be a little overwhelming but it was perfect. You were perfect! I'm hoping to catch more of your hypnosis classes if I happen to be at the same events as you again.

Take care!​


Miss Mackenzee,
My Dominant and I were at your chemical play class because it has been an interest of ours and we learned so much more in your class than our internet searches. You've got such a great approach to teaching that makes the time fly by while still learning a great deal. I can't wait to see what your next class will bring :)
ps: me and my vagina thank you for also going over the neutralizing agents of certain chemicals.​​


Thank you so much Miss Mackenzee for existing. Your class on CBT was truly amazing. I love how you not only covered a lot of material but kept your bottom engaged and tortured. Your wicked giggle is contagious!! I left my slave back in our hotel room while I attended your class and when I walked back to the room and opened the door, his face was priceless because I had a GIANT grin on my face. The first words out of his mouth was "uh oh." I had so much fun taking all I learned from your class and putting it to use. Now he'll never forget who's cock and who's balls they are. Thank you! :)​​

​Mistress G


I just wanted to send quick thank you for your class about other bondage tools than rope. While I love rope, sometimes it's nice to switch it up in how I restrain my partner. You even gave me some new ideas!!!

Hope to see more of your classes!!​


Miss Mackenzee,

I've seen you playing at many events and I'm always captivated by your scenes. The energy between all parties involved really flows well and I've always wondered how that is. While I guessed it was something that just came naturally, attending your class taught me something a little different. I really enjoyed how carefully you went through how a co-topping is different from having a single top. There were so many little intricacies to worry about.

Thank you again.​


Hi, Miss Mackenzee.
It was a pleasure to meet you today and to hear/partake in the discussion on consent you led. I really appreciate you making it as interactive as you did, and you touching upon some of the points that you did.

Thank you again​


Miss Mackenzee,

I don't know if there are enough words to thank you for presenting on the topic of Pleasure after Trauma. It's a really tricky subject for a class because some people may not want to put themselves as having gone through some kind of trauma but I feel like it's an important topic that should be talked about.

I've had sexual partners after I went through a sexual trauma but never found joy in it. I did it for my partner's sake. I attended your class with my current partner and that night, I had one of the most amazing sexual experiences of my life. You provided so many wonderful viewpoints that really put me at ease and allowed my mind to quiet down.

So from the bottom of my heart...thank you, thank you, thank you for all your hard work and presenting on such a sensitive, yet important topic. My sex life has yet again been drastically changed. And this time, for the better.


​I very much enjoyed your Genitorture class and hope to attend more of your classes in the future! I've already begun experimenting with my TENS unit on my partner's genitals... evil laughter​.


Thanks for the friend request and also thanks for the great tantra rope workshop! You saw how much we enjoyed it by how horny it made us by the end! Hope you had a wonderful time as well and hope to see you again!
Arrow and Teagan​


We were the first ones at your needles and sharps class. You stuck a 20g to my ladies leg.  We were camped with Knock knock.
Besides that you have great energy and are my kind of sadist :) I look forward to seeing you again in the future.​


WOW! I cannot thank you enough for the amazing wrestling event you did for Dark Odyssey. I never get to get my switch side on. It was such a blast and the way you  explained all the safety in the beginning was perfect since myself and a few of my friends had never done before and it was soo busy in there. I loved the way you made it very organized and even though it was busy everybody got to go as many times as they wanted. Thanks again!


Hola Miss Mackenzee,

I wanted to thank you for offering your knowledge, experience and guidance to us learning the enriching dynamic of this lifestyle. The trust you imparted with sharing your perspective on Dominance shows the fortitude you offer. Kudos. Much respect. 
Your class was very informative, and so much more valuable than reading it, because seeing it played out provides the visual platform to build our own 'style'. 



Miss Mackenzee, I attended your classes at Winter Fire this year and I really learned a lot so I got really excited when I saw that you would be teaching at Summer Camp. I went to all your classes and enjoyed each one. I really liked that you talked a lot about the negotiation process in each class. I feel like that's a topic not many people cover in classes unless it's strictly about negotiation. I would attend any class you teach.

Thank you so much for sharing all your knowledge with the community.​​​


​Holy smokes! What a hot little presentation you did at my friend's bachelorette party. You truly know how to make a girl blush but DAMN did I learn some things from you. I really wowed my girlfriend. She told me that she's never seen me like that but wants to definitely see more of that side of me!

I am woman, hear me roar!!! :)​


My husband and I just celebrated our 40th anniversary. We had been talking about different ways to spice up our relationship and seeking the help of a coach when we found Miss Mackenzee's website. From her very first email, I knew we were in very good hands. When we were able to connect via video chat, I immediately felt calm and any anxiety me or my husband felt went out the window. I can honestly say that our sex and intimacy is even hotter than we first got together!


Thank you so so much Miss Mackenzee for all your help!! After my recent break up, I wasn't sure how to start dating again but my time with you has given me back my confidence and I'm so ready to explore my sexuality.

- Gina G


As a queer couple, my wife and I were finding it difficult to find a sexuality and intimacy coach who held the same values and lifestyle as us. My therapist actually recommended Miss Mackenzee to me and after looking at her website and social media, we decided to book a session. Upon arriving at her space, we were greeted with a warm and welcoming environment that made it very easy to relax. She had such an exciting yet down-to-earth energy that allowed my wife and I to feel safe enough to open up. At no point did we feel pressure to share information or do any exercises that she gave us. At the end, she offered a brief tour of her dungeon and all I can say is that we will definitely be back for more coaching as well as renting that gorgeous space!



I have been in the kink lifestyle for a while and my boyfriend is interested but doesn't know where to start so I thought it would be a good gift to send him to Miss Mackenzee for some mentorship. After a few one-on-one sessions, I started participating too and it's really helped our bond become stronger. He's even shown me some things I didn't even know about! Miss Mackenzee is so amazing and I've referred a few of my friends to her too.

-Bonnie T.


My partner and I switch with each other but we recently decided to start our search for a submissive for the two of us. Miss Mackenzee has been an incredible source of information and advice on how to go about this. She also gave a lot of great tips on navigating all the moving parts that adding another dynamic can bring. She helped ease a lot of our concerns and fears. My partner and I are even more stoked about this new prospect and can't wait until we've found someone so we can all visit Miss Mackenzee for some exciting skill-building sessions!

- Jim L.


Thank you Miss Mackenzee for helping me with my struggles of keeping my husband in a good headspace. After we left our session, he couldn't stop compiimenting me and fawning. He was floaty into the next day. Our play time is definitely a thousand times better.

- Mistress Lana


Dear Miss Mackenzee,

My girlfriend and I have not been able to stop talking about all of the information you shred with us. It has certainly reignited the spark in our relationship and I've fallen in love with her all over again. Our passion is way more intense and we have you to thank for that. You are truly an angel.

- Gene


I was a bit skeptical when my girlfriend dragged me to an intimacy and sexuality coach because I didn't see anything wrong with our sex life. But in each session we have with Miss Mackenzee, we are discovering new things about each other that we didn't know before. It's really helped me get out of my shell and open up more. Our communication has gotten so much better which makes our sex and intimacy totally out of this world. If you have your doubts, I cannot recommend Miss Mackenzee enough.


When my partner's chronic illness got so severe that sex become a near impossibility, I took to the internet for advice. I saw that Miss Mackenzee had a recording for a class about connecting with a chronically ill partner so I purchased a copy. After viewing it with my partner, we decided to book a virtual session with Miss Mackenzee. And let me tell you, that was the best decision we could have ever made. Even though typical "sex" isn't really a possibility anymore, our intimacy has never been hotter or more connective. I'm not exaggerating when I say that Miss Mackenzee may have saved our relationship.

- Christy


One of my partners is really into humiliation play and that's not really something I ever felt comfortable with so I sought the help of a professional. Miss Mackenzee recommended that my partner join us in session so we can all have an honest conversation about it all. After our time together, I have a much better understanding of my partner's desires and how to fulfill them without compromising my morals and values.

- Ann